Oral Presentations

Presentation Logistics

  • Talks are 20 minutes in length (15-minute talk + 5-minute Q & A), unless otherwise informed by the conference or session co-chairs.
  • Presenters may load their talks prior to the beginning of the session.
  • Final presentations should be saved to a USB drive that the AV staff will upload on the presentation computer.
  • Ensure all images and videos are embedded into your presentation to prevent corrupted files.
Presentation Suggestion
  • Consider addressing the following points in your talk:
    • What are the unmet clinical need(s) or research gap(s) being addressed by the porcine model(s)?
    • What are the specific advantages of your porcine model compared to other animal model(s), if any exist?
    • What is the fundamental concept of the model? How is the model methodologically achieved?
    • How have you used the models? Have the model(s) revealed unique mechanisms and/or advanced the development of a novel device or therapeutic strategy?
    • What type of collaborations or resources would help enhance your research?
Audio-Visual Equipment Provided by the Venue
  • PC/MAC Computer
  • Projector
  • Screen
  • Laser Pointer
  • Microphone
  • Video Display Monitor
  • Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote

Poster Presentations

  • Poster Board Dimensions: 4 feet' high x 4 feet' wide.
  • Push pins to facilitate display will be provided for your use.
  • Poster presenters are responsible for printing their own poster. If you need to print a poster on-site, the following locations offer printing services:
      • Student Print – 333 East Campus Mall (0.3 miles from Memorial Union)
      • FedEx – 654 W. Washington Ave (0.9 miles from Memorial Union)
      • Bob's Copy Shop – 710 W. Wingra Dr (2.0 miles from Memorial Union)

  • Any presenters needing to ship a poster prior to the conference will need to contact Conference Management to confirm when the poster will arrive to ensure that the poster is delivered properly and is on-site.